Who We Are

Our Vision: Every student will have an equitable opportunity to achieve their greatest postsecondary aspirations.

Our Mission: Lead the movement to transform postsecondary advising and support.

Our Approach: We’re a postsecondary access and success organization working with schools and districts to transform postsecondary advising and support through our OneGoal Program and OneGoal Leadership Network so that all students can define their futures.

Our Core Values


We know that the college degree divide is one symptom of a broad and deeply-entrenched system of inequity. As our Fellows, staff, and partners navigate these systems of oppression, we listen and learn alongside one another, while encouraging our own introspection and self-work. We name and fight inequity in our spheres of influence and help equip students to follow the path they choose for their lives.

Together, we work in active and hopeful pursuit of an equitable world.


We respect and value the intersectional identities and journeys of our Fellows, staff, and partners. We create an environment where all are encouraged to be their authentic selves. We extend grace, express gratitude, and uplift one another. Self-care, joy, vulnerability, and ongoing growth are vital to our success.

Together, we embrace and honor the fullness of each person.


We believe that achieving our mission requires a commitment to learning and ongoing transformation. Therefore, we reflect and conduct analysis to iterate on what is working at all times. We encourage smart risks that will move us boldly toward our vision. We confront our biases, challenge assumptions, provide space to dream big, face our fears, and harness the power of failure.

Together, we act bolder and get better.


We recognize that our community will only thrive through a deep belief in the combined perspectives, stories, talents and passion of everyone involved in our effort. We hold up a mirror for one another in love and assume responsibility as individuals and as a team, celebrating our highs with pride and authentically supporting our lows.

Together, we go further.


We know that closing the degree divide requires a broad, diverse coalition of partners working together towards a shared vision. Together, we pursue ambitious, meaningful outcomes that lead to the change we seek for our Fellows and our nation. We hold ourselves to high standards and we engage in reciprocal learning where we are courageous enough to push our partners and humble enough to be pushed.

Together, we solve our greatest challenges.

Commitment to Diversity

Equity and Inclusion

We are ​committed ​to ​building ​​an ​organization ​that ​seeks ​and ​embraces ​diversity, actively pursues equity, ​and ​fosters ​an environment ​of ​inclusion. ​

Our commitment stems from an understanding of historic injustice and an unwavering belief that differences in perspectives, experiences, and identities ultimately get us closer to our vision and lead to stronger teams and better organizational performance.

Read more about our commitment to diversity, equity + inclusion →