Welcome to Georgia

Secondary Partner
Postsecondary Partner
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Secondary Partner
Postsecondary Partner

Current High School Partners


Current Fellows


Year Established


*This information reflects projections for the 2024-2025 school year.

The Need in Metro Atlanta

By 2025, 60% of jobs in Georgia will require a college degree or postsecondary credential. However, only 29% of students in Metro Atlanta are expected to earn an associate’s or bachelor’s degree within six years of high school graduation. The disparities in postsecondary completion widen for low-income communities, the majority of whom are students of color, at the exact time when postsecondary credentials have become more essential for accessing economic opportunity. Our collective responsibility is to ensure every young person in Metro Atlanta will have a path to social mobility through postsecondary achievement.

“That’s what OneGoal is all about: placing itself in the student perspective and serving as a guide and advocate for the students as they navigate the college application and persistence process, whatever their situation. That can make all the difference between earning a college degree and never making it onto a college graduation stage.”

Dr. Tim Renick

Vice President of Enrollment Management + Student Success
Professor of Religious Studies
Georgia State University


College + Career Ready

OneGoal Fellows are brimming with drive to pursue the college or other postsecondary program that will lead them to their dream career and life. All they need is a hand navigating the application and enrollment system. This is where OneGoal steps in.

Building Community

Fellows from all of our partner high schools in Atlanta joined us for an exciting day of exploring educational workshops, connecting with college representatives, and building connections across the OneGoal community.

Learn more →

Local Impact

We partner with 8 high schools across the city to integrate postsecondary planning into the school day. Together with district leaders, school principals, Achieve Atlanta and Learn4Life we are working to improve economic mobility among first-generation college students from low-income communities.

Meet Taylor

“I’ve had the privilege of working with students & educators in every corner of Metro Atlanta. I’m committed to doing everything I can, alongside parents, students and community leaders, to see our city live up to its social justice legacy.”

Taylor Ramsey
Executive Director

Contact Taylor →
Meet the team →
Meet the Regional Advisory Board →

Let’s Connect

Get more information about what OneGoal could mean for your community: