
How Research Demonstrates Impact

and Fuels OneGoal's Strategy


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As a learning organization, research and data have played a vital role in the systems developed by OneGoal over the last 15 years of serving students and continue to inform strategies to achieve our mission. A new, rigorous evaluation conducted by researchers at The University of Chicago looks at OneGoal’s impact on students’ postsecondary outcomes and critical high school milestones. In this How Research Demonstrates Impact + Fuels Strategy webinar, we:

  • Discuss the importance of evaluation for results-driven program design
  • Explain how insights are fueling our next strategic plan
  • Overview UChicago’s recent study of OneGoal’s impact on postsecondary outcomes for students
  • Explore the value of research in decision-making for investors and partners in education

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Webinar Presenters

Dr. Kelly Hallberg

Scientific Director, Inclusive Economy Lab University of Chicago

Kelly Hallberg, Ph.D. is the Scientific Director for the Inclusive Economy Lab, where she is responsible for the scientific rigor and direction of the Lab’s projects. Drawing on over 15 years of experience in the field, she oversees a portfolio of applied research projects designed to result in greater economic opportunity for young people harmed by discrimination, disinvestment, and segregation. Before joining the University of Chicago, Dr. Hallberg was principal researcher specializing in educational program evaluation and policy analysis at the American Institutes for Research. She also previously worked at Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, and as an aide for Senator Tom Harkin. She holds a BA in political science from Carleton College, an MPP from UChicago Harris, and a Ph.D. in human development and social policy from Northwestern University.

Ira Handler

Impact Investor + New York Advisory Board Member

Ira brings more than 40 years of leadership experience in Finance, running various trading organizations and managing institutional assets. He is a founding partner and served as CIO of New Holland Capital which advised the Dutch Pension funds on their Hedge Fund portfolios. Ira received his BA from Northwestern University. Currently retired, Ira is active in philanthropy and impact investing.

Priya Linson

Executive Director, OneGoal in Chicago

As Executive Director of OneGoal in Chicago, Priya is responsible for the overall success of OneGoal’s flagship region. Priya started her career as a New York City Public School teacher at The Bronx Guild High School. Since then, she has served as a school- and non-profit leader at Communities in Schools, Education Pioneers, and Stand for Children. Priya holds a BA from Tufts University, a MA in Teaching from Columbia University’s Teachers College, and an MPP from the Heinz College at Carnegie Mellon University. Priya currently serves as a member of the Board of Education for Maercker District 60 in Westmont, IL, and is an alumna of the LeadBoston, Emerge Massachusetts, and Allstate Nonprofit Executive Leadership programs.

Dr. Tim Renick

National Institute for Student Success Executive Director + Professor, Georgia State University

Metro Atlanta Advisory Board Member

Dr. Renick has served at Georgia State, as Chair of the Department of Religious Studies, Director of the Honors Program and Senior Vice President. Between 2008-2020, he directed the student success efforts of the university, overseeing a 62% improvement in graduation rates and the elimination of all achievement gaps based on students’ race, ethnicity or income level. He was named one of the Most Innovative People in Higher Education by Washington Monthly, was the recipient of the Award for National Leadership in Student Success Innovation and was awarded the 2018 McGraw Prize in Higher Education. He has served as principal investigator for more than $30 million in research grants focused on promoting better and more equitable outcomes for college students. A summa cum laude graduate of Dartmouth College, Dr. Renick holds his M.A. and Ph.D. in Religion from Princeton University.

Karla Robles

Chief Program Officer, OneGoal

Before joining OneGoal, Karla spent 13 years at the Be a Leader Foundation in Phoenix, Arizona, where she focused on college access and success program management and community engagement. Karla’s collective experiences inspired her to join OneGoal and support the movement to ensure that underserved youth across the country have equitable access to an excellent education. Karla holds a bachelor’s degree in global business and marketing from Arizona State University and a Master of Public Administration from New York University in non-profit/public/organizational management.

Dr. Keith Zander

Managing Director of Program Learning, OneGoal

Dr. Keith Zander currently serves as the Managing Director of Program Learning at OneGoal where he leads the organization’s internal research and evaluation work. He has also served as a Gates Foundation Data Coach and independent consultant working with non-profit organizations across the country to improve their organizational learning efforts. Prior to OneGoal, Keith was the Evaluation Lead for the Community Schools Initiative at Chicago Public Schools, and prior to that, a high school special education teacher. Keith received a B.A. from Emory University, and a M.A., and Ph.D., in Community and Prevention Research from the University of Illinois at Chicago.

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