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OneGoal Leadership Network
Partner Application
Thank you for your interest in OneGoal! If you have any questions or concerns about this application as you are filling it out, please reach out to Andy Schmitz (
[email protected]
Please ensure that the individuals completing this form are the leaders at the district and school level responsible for decisions around postsecondary readiness.
Primary Contact Information
Please identify the primary point of contact for our partnership with your organization.
District / School Name
Note: start typing above to see the name of your district or school populate. If you're organization isn't on the above list, please type in your organization name, and proceed to fill out the rest of the form.
Primary Contact First Name
Primary Contact Last Name
Primary Contact Title
Are you a district leader or a school leader?
District Leader
School Leader
High School Name
Primary Contact Email
Primary Contact Phone Number
OneGoal Leadership Network
Partner Application
Thank you for your interest in OneGoal! If you have any questions or concerns about this application as you are filling it out, please reach out to Andy Schmitz (
[email protected]
High School / Postsecondary Leadership Team Information
The following questions identify which team members OneGoal will partner with in your organization.
High School Information
Identify information for
high schools in your district. Make sure to add additional high schools by clicking "Add High School" below
High School Name
Principal First Name
Principal Last Name
Principal Email Address
Postsecondary Leadership Team
Identify staff from your organization who will make up the postsecondary leadership team for your OneGoal partnership. You do not need to re-enter the primary contact you entered on page one of this intake form.
For partners with
high school
e recommend identifying
1-2 individuals that sit at the district leader level (ex. Asst. Supt/Director of Secondary Education/Executive Director of School Supports) + 2-3 individuals that sit at the school leader level (ex. principal, assistant principal, counselor).
For partners with
high schools
recommend choosing between two options based on the overall number of high schools in your district and the size of your central office:
1-2 individuals that sit at the district leader level (eg. Asst. Supt/Director of Secondary Education/Executive Director of School Supports) + the principals at all of your high schools
A team completely composed of district leaders that are responsible for postsecondary success (Asst. Supt, Executive Director of Secondary Education, Head Counselor, Executive Director of High Schools, etc.)
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Is this individual a school based or district leader?
School Leader
District Leader
Affiliated High School Name:
OneGoal Leadership Network
Partner Application
Thank you for your interest in OneGoal! If you have any questions or concerns about this application as you are filling it out, please reach out to Andy Schmitz (
[email protected]
Postsecondary Vision + Support
The following questions are used to get a sense of your district's vision for postsecondary success, and why you want to be a part of the OneGoal Leadership Network.
Please describe your organization's vision for postsecondary success. Include where you are seeing bright spots vs. opportunities for continued growth.
How do you believe a partnership with OneGoal would strengthen your postsecondary work? Please include how you might align the OneGoal partnership with existing partners/work.
If available, please upload your central office structure organizational chart. This helps us understand how the work is organized and supported.
Describe where postsecondary success lives within your organizational structure.
Please share your most recent District / School Improvement Plan
If applicable, who are current postsecondary partners (local community colleges, local employers and businesses, etc.)
that you work with? Please include strengths of these partnerships and areas where you would like to see improvements.
How would you invest school leadership teams (principals, assistant principals, and counselors) in OneGoal Leadership Network partnership?
Discuss how you would ensure your team is able to meet the time commitments outlined in the partnership. What, if any, barriers do you anticipate?
Based on the timeline above, our goal is that selected partners will complete an approximately 2 hour partnership launch meeting and a 2-3 hour rubric assessment series in the first few months of the partnership.
Do you anticipate any challenges to this timeline?
Required Field
OneGoal Leadership Network
Partner Application
Thank you for your interest in OneGoal! If you have any questions or concerns about this application as you are filling it out, please reach out to Andy Schmitz (
[email protected]
Postsecondary Leading Indicators
The following questions are used to get a sense of what postsecondary leading indicators your organization tracks on a regular basis, so that OneGoal can best support postsecondary data practices at your district.
What technology do you use to support tracking of your students'
college and career readiness indicators?
(Examples include - Application statuses, Academic Fit, 9th Grade On Track, etc.)
Please select...
MAIA Learning
We Don't Have a Tech Platform To Support Tracking
Please write in the system you use to track your students'
college and career readiness indicators
Assess your level of confidence that the implementation of your
college and career readiness system
is effectively supporting your postsecondary advising practice across your district / school
1. Not Confident
2. Somewhat Confident
3. Mostly Confident
4. Confident
5. Very Confident
What support can OneGoal provide in improving the implementation of your
college and career readiness system
across your organization?
Does your district/school have a partnership with the
National Student Clearinghouse
to track the enrollment / persistence of students after they leave high school?
Please share how your district / school tracks the enrollment / persistence of your students after high school?
Assess your level of confidence that your district / school
tracks the enrollment / persistence of your
after high school?
1. Not Confident
2. Somewhat Confident
3. Mostly Confident
4. Confident
5. Very Confident
What support can OneGoal provide in improving how your district / school
tracks the enrollment / persistence of your students after they leave high school?