Staffing a high school with enough quality postsecondary counselors to match the demand in comprehensive high schools is tough. OneGoal bridges that gap; the program identifies awesome teachers who want to take on more and equips them with the knowledge and skills it takes to offer the advice kids deserve.”
Elliott Witney
Former Associate Superintendent of Academic Design and Performance
Spring Branch ISD Houston, Texas
I’m excited that we have resources for not just high-performing students, but for those that hadn’t yet realized their potential when they got to us. It provides this set of equity and access that’s tough to reach. That’s pretty meaningful.”
Dr. Dan Sims
Former Associate Superintendent
Atlanta Public Schools, Georgia
With OneGoal we’re able to actually prepare kids for college—and keep up with them while they’re in college—to really level the playing field for everybody.”
Jeff Simon
Assistant Principal
John Dewey High School, New York